A Sacred Child's Rhythm


A Sacred Child's Rhythm

Sale Price:$0.00 Original Price:$5.00

rhythm : natural pace , inner beat

Can you imagine if someone honored your natural inner beat. ?

The way you move , show up and flow in the world. There would be less resistance and '“ forcing” of you to be in places or to move extremely outside of your natural beat. Eliminating unnecessary tension , while contributing to your ease and happiness. Now imagine that someone being your guardian. It hits different when your parents , who are assistanting you in building your very foundation are able to slow down, be still, take notes , observe and respect your natural pace. While also learning how to intertwine and blend in with their own rhythms.

Can you imagine how at ease you would be ?

A sacred child’s rhythm is just that. Observation of my sacred one’s natural rhythm , setting the intention and holding myself accountable to be mindful of his personal flow. While granting me the opportunity to introduce and implement rich beneficial rituals.

Ps. every sacred child is different

Included is a copy for you to also dabble in and with

love to you and your sacred one, or ones

xo Umi

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